Friday, August 06, 2004

I met Satan in the Army and lived to tell the tale..

The search for SATan started one day in February 1995, when a few of us recruits were sitting around the GS Table talking about nothing in particular..

As you may know, each soldier has a name tag on his No. 4 uniform, usually bearing the initials of his first and middle name, followed by his last / family name. For example, Lim Beng Huat's name tag will read BH Lim.

Tan being a common last name in Singapore, we agreed that there must be someone's name tag who read SA Tan, and swore that from that day on, we would always be on the vigilant lookout for Him...

The search was long and weary... it's not easy trying to stare at the name tag over the chest of a lady Lieutenant when you are a "chao private", or to walk close enough to your division commander in order to make out the faded letters... It was the 2 months before I was due to ORD, and I'd given up the search, when one day, after bringing my recruits to Physical Training session, I saw a PTI with those elusive characters in navy blue over the virgin white of his singlet... SA Tan!

What an anti-climax though... he turned out to be one of the softest PTIs around... and even invited every recruit to call him Sergeant Satan after that...


Mr Miyagi said...

S.H. Tans were called 'Taxi'; K.P. Lims drank coffee; C.B. Phuas were deflowered; S.C. Lees were asked to fellate.... but I have a platoon mate whose surname is Eio (a variant of Yeo), and everyone calls him E-Ten.

cokecat said...

haha...must be one of those laojiao pti's if he had a name tag on his lily white :P

k said...

Well, I saw a C.B.Chan once...

PP said...

Perhaps slightly unrelated... but I had a friend who's initials are SA and she refused to marry her bf who's surname is TAN. She is now marrying a guy whos surname starts with D. Does that make her SAD?

"Overseas Chinese" said...

I'm 2006 leadership batch for BMT. We had a man in our platoon whose name reads...


A pity he was a nice guy.