Sunday, April 24, 2005

Fuck you lah!

The day before we were to pass out from Basic Training, we were all in a really happy and relaxed mood. We were pretty much given free reign to just chill out and relax. All of the sudden, we heard swearing and shouting coming from inside the company line office. 2 minutes later, my platoon mate came out with a very dejected look on his face. This is what we found out had happened.

My platoon mate had gone in to the company line office to check on what time we were to fall in for lunch on that day. By this time, the Sergeants were really slack with us, and we were talking to them more like friends, even though we still showed them respect. My friend cracked a joke to my Sergeant who then retorted with a “Fuck you lah!”, which my friend quickly responded with a middle finger and a “Fuck you too!”. Both men were laughing all the time this was happening.
What they both did not notice, was just as my friend raised his middle finger, my CSM (Company Sergeant Major) walked in and saw him in the process. What followed was a very loud and gigantic dressing down by my CSM. 2 days later, while we were all packing up for our 1 week block leave, my poor friend was sweeping out the company line office as he had to sign 7 extra duties and so all his block leave was cancelled.


Agagooga said...

What did the sergeant get, I wonder :0

LittleRedDotGuru said...

nothing, cause the CSM did not see him doing anything. From what the CSM saw, all he knew was that he caught a recruit swearing at a SGT.

LittleRedDotGuru said...

Peter, not good, cause taking the block leave is compulsory, so when he signed the duty, did not mean his leave was cancelled and he could take it later, what it meant was that his leave was burned and wasted!

Lester Yue said...

waoh.. leave can't be cancelled ah? for me i'll call SAF hotline already.. it's just so unfair lor...
he should do something about it

LittleRedDotGuru said...

He just sucked it up man. Anyway, this happened years ago when you did not compwain until you were about to die.

Agagooga said...

There were probably more suicides then also

LittleRedDotGuru said...

agagooga, dude you know there were, and a hell lot more "training" accidents too if you know what I mean.......

jmarki said...

Aiyo... The spec is either an idiot or the csm is a monster who doesn't listen to the spec.... kaoz... He never stood up for the poor guy?? How "friendly" can that be?? Trainee life sucks alright, but this is terrible. Still in bmt some more... If that was sispec, I can understand a bit, but BMT?!?!?

k said...

aww c'mon, call hotline over things like burn leave? sheesh, i know it's unfair, but please be more discerning about what things you call them about. burn leave would be one of their lowest priorities. they get phone calls from recruits who complain about doing more than 10 pushups at one go, leh. don't add to the spam.

don't like to burn leave, call manpower branch or some other relevant authority, where you might at least have your leave returned.

if you actually do kena burn leave and call the hotline about it, do let us know how it turns out. if it works, it's a good piece of advice for us NSFs here.